Hercules Globular Cluster M13 25k ly – dslr – really small in wide field tele so hard to bring out stars, 1st attempt
Hercules Globular Cluster M13 25k ly – dslr – really small in wide field tele so hard to bring out stars, 1st attempt
My first nebula , North American and Pelican Nebula in Cygnus - only an hour on dslr
My first nebula , North American and Pelican Nebula in Cygnus - only an hour on dslr
Persei Double Cluster in Perseus NGC 869 NGC 884 about 7700 ly - dslr
Persei Double Cluster in Perseus NGC 869 NGC 884 about 7700 ly - dslr
Night Sky towards Cygnus and Vulpecula with faint Milky Way
Night Sky towards Cygnus and Vulpecula with faint Milky Way

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